Lethbridge at Calgary
at Calgary
2/16/2019 at 6:00PM

Scoring 1 2 3 OT 2OT Final
Calgary 1 1 1 0 1 4
Lethbridge 1 1 1 0 0 3
Periods: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  OT  |  2OT
-- 1st --
[02:57] GOAL by Leth Artsiom Kalashnikov (FIRST GOAL), Assist by Clint Filbrandt and Connor Sanvido, On ice for Leth: Dallas Valentine; Spenser Jensen; Clint Filbrandt; Connor Sanvido; Artsiom Kalashnikov, On ice for CGY: TJ Brown; Regan Nagy; Ryan Graham; Josh Uhrich; Dane Gibson, goal number 1 for season.
[05:33] GOAL by CGY Matt Alfaro, Assist by Coda Gordon and Riley Sheen, On ice for CGY: Matt Alfaro; Coda Gordon; Riley Sheen; James Shearer; Dane Gibson, On ice for Leth: Jeff Rayman; Russell Maxwell; Brooks Maxwell; Derek Brown; Evan Wardley, goal number 2 for season.
[08:00] Penalty on Artsiom Kalashnikov Leth 2 minutes for HOLDING, (power play opp).
[08:00] Start power play for CGY.
[10:00] Artsiom Kalashnikov (Leth) penalty complete.
[10:00] End power play for CGY.
[11:03] Penalty on Russell Maxwell Leth 2 minutes for HIGH STICKING, (power play opp).
[11:03] Start power play for CGY.
[13:03] Russell Maxwell (Leth) penalty complete.
[13:03] End power play for CGY.
[13:41] Penalty on Jared Hauf CGY 2 minutes for HIGH STICKING, (power play opp).
[13:41] Start power play for Leth.
[15:08] Penalty on Ryan Gagnon CGY 2 minutes for ROUGHING, (power play opp).
[15:08] Start power play for Leth.
[15:41] Jared Hauf (CGY) penalty complete.
[16:07] Penalty on Blake Orban Leth 2 minutes for HIGH STICKING, (power play opp).
[16:07] End power play for Leth.
[17:08] Ryan Gagnon (CGY) penalty complete.
[17:08] Start power play for CGY.
[18:07] Blake Orban (Leth) penalty complete.
[18:07] End power play for CGY.
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-- 2nd --
[02:20] Penalty on Ryan Gagnon CGY 2 minutes for CROSS CHECKING, (power play opp).
[02:20] Start power play for Leth.
[03:42] Penalty on Derek Brown Leth 2 minutes for SLASHING, (power play opp).
[03:42] End power play for Leth.
[04:20] Ryan Gagnon (CGY) penalty complete.
[04:20] Start power play for CGY.
[05:42] Derek Brown (Leth) penalty complete.
[05:42] End power play for CGY.
[06:08] GOAL by Leth Michael Grant, Assist by Brooks Maxwell, On ice for Leth: Jeff Rayman; Russell Maxwell; Brooks Maxwell; Michael Grant; Evan Wardley, On ice for CGY: Ryan Gagnon; Tim Vanstone; Luke Harrison; Chris Rauckman; Jared Hauf, goal number 1 for season.
[10:10] Penalty on Dane Gibson CGY 2 minutes for TRIPPING, (power play opp).
[10:10] Start power play for Leth.
[12:10] Dane Gibson (CGY) penalty complete.
[12:10] End power play for Leth.
[13:25] Penalty on Ryan Chynoweth Leth 2 minutes for HOOKING, (power play opp).
[13:25] Start power play for CGY.
[15:25] Ryan Chynoweth (Leth) penalty complete.
[15:25] End power play for CGY.
[17:24] Penalty on Russell Maxwell Leth 2 minutes for TRIPPING, (power play opp).
[17:24] Start power play for CGY.
[17:05] Penalty on Russell Maxwell Leth 2 minutes for TRIPPING, (power play opp).
[17:05] Start power play for CGY.
[17:24] GOAL by CGY Mitch Cook (POWER PLAY), Assist by Logan Fisher and Dane Gibson, On ice for CGY: , On ice for Leth: , goal number 1 for season.
[17:24] Russell Maxwell (Leth) penalty complete.
[19:24] Russell Maxwell (Leth) penalty complete.
[19:24] End power play for CGY.
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-- 3rd --
[01:14] Penalty on Riley Sheen CGY 2 minutes for INTER. ON GOALTENDER, (power play opp).
[01:14] Start power play for Leth.
[01:14] GOAL by CGY Riley Sheen, Assist by Coda Gordon and Matt Alfaro, On ice for CGY: Jordan Henderson; Matt Alfaro; Coda Gordon; Riley Sheen; James Shearer, On ice for Leth: Jeff Rayman; Russell Maxwell; Brooks Maxwell; Derek Brown; Evan Wardley, goal number 2 for season.
[03:14] Riley Sheen (CGY) penalty complete.
[03:14] End power play for Leth.
[07:14] Penalty on Dalton Sward Leth 2 minutes for HOLDING.
[07:14] Penalty on Mitch Cook CGY 2 minutes for HOLDING.
[09:03] GOAL by Leth Russell Maxwell, Assist by Brooks Maxwell, On ice for Leth: Jeff Rayman; Russell Maxwell; Brooks Maxwell; Derek Brown; Evan Wardley, On ice for CGY: TJ Brown; Coda Gordon; Riley Sheen; Logan Fisher; Dane Gibson, goal number 1 for season.
[09:14] Mitch Cook (CGY) penalty complete.
[09:14] Dalton Sward (Leth) penalty complete.
[11:26] Penalty on Cameron Trott Leth 2 minutes for TRIPPING, (power play opp).
[11:26] Start power play for CGY.
[13:26] Cameron Trott (Leth) penalty complete.
[13:26] End power play for CGY.
[13:31] Penalty on Bradley Schoonbaert CGY 2 minutes for HIGH STICKING, (power play opp).
[13:31] Start power play for Leth.
[15:31] Penalty on Bradley Schoonbaert CGY 2 minutes for HIGH STICKING, (power play opp).
[15:31] Start power play for Leth.
[15:31] Bradley Schoonbaert (CGY) penalty complete.
[17:31] Bradley Schoonbaert (CGY) penalty complete.
[17:31] End power play for Leth.
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-- OT --
[07:01] Penalty on Jared Hauf CGY 2 minutes for TRIPPING, (power play opp).
[07:01] Start power play for Leth.
[09:01] Jared Hauf (CGY) penalty complete.
[09:01] End power play for Leth.
[15:32] Penalty on Dane Gibson CGY 2 minutes for BOARDING, (power play opp).
[15:32] Start power play for Leth.
[17:32] Dane Gibson (CGY) penalty complete.
[17:32] End power play for Leth.
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-- 2OT --
[03:44] GOAL by CGY Chris Rauckman, Assist by Luke Harrison and Jared Hauf, On ice for CGY: Tim Vanstone; Luke Harrison; Chris Rauckman; Jared Hauf; Dane Gibson, On ice for Leth: Dallas Valentine; Jeff Rayman; Landon Gross; Justin Valentino; Torrin White, goal number 2 for season.
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