Jocelyn Falbo
Manager, Corporate Events and Awards


Jocelyn Falbo is the Manager, Corporate Events and Awards.  

Jocelyn is an accomplished hospitality, event planning and executive administrative professional. After studying Sociology at Western University, Jocelyn graduated from Humber College with a Diploma in Hospitality Management in 2006. She has spent the past 15 years working in hospitality and the past five years of that time as a Senior Event Manager.  Her varied experiences in the world of small and large events and sales and customer service have yielded exceptional skills in project management, attention to detail, superior ability to multi task and excellent interpersonal/communication skills.

Jocelyn was born in Calgary, Alberta but was raised in Kanata, Ontario.  She now lives in Keswick, Ontario with her husband Daniel.  She is passionate about coaching Special Olympics Basketball, planning events for friends and family, and health and wellness.